Current Video Series

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A modern guide for mortgage pros left behind by the digital customer.

The Story

The real estate game moves fast and mortgage professionals need to keep up. As more and more home buyers potentially sidestep local professionals in favor of online services, mortgage professionals dependent on referrals can be left with no business in sight. Seasoned mortgage professionals and those entering the business for the first time need to evolve their origination strategies to maximize success and generate new loan opportunities. Bypassed is your how-to business guide to adopt the brand-building tactics that work in today’s real estate market.

The Problem

Local Mortgage Professionals are being left behind by the digital customer and not taking advantage of what going all in on the digital space has to offer.

The solution

Watch the multipart video series below!
In this series, I lay out, step by step the way to take control of your digital-reality and start winning!


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An in-depth look at what it takes to become a successful loan officer in the modern age.


The Mortgage Industry is ever evolving. Then, Now, Next is a look back into the stories, experiences, and strategies that Amazing Originators used to build world class platforms and then asks the question, is this still relevant and more importantly, what’s coming Next! Come on a journey, visit the past and let’s explore the future of this industry together.


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A new video series shining a light on the positive side of the mortgage industry.


And now for some more good news: if all the doom and gloom in real estate right now has got you feeling discouraged, we’ve got just the remedy you need. Welcome to The Brightside, a new video series shining a light on the positive side of the mortgage industry .