Fine, I’ll Tell You What To Do – Loan Officer Edition

Surviving the digital world in the mortgage industry is a tough. Heck the mortgage industry is tough itself. Whether you are a new up and coming or a seasoned mortgage professional, learning new skills is a hard task. Let’s have a conversation about this on the next LiveTime with Alec. I’ll sit down and tell you what to do.

In this Loan Officer Edition of LiveTime with Alec…

  • I lay out the whole plan on what to do to get some traction on your business
  • Realtors are undoubtedly a great partner to have that can help you influence a customers decision
  • Monthly Intentional Contact will help you start the conversation and garner respect from those you want to work with.
  • Interact, Connect, Engage on your social media with potential partners and customers alike.

You Don’t Have to Have all the Answers – Leadership Series

Leaders! Let’s talk straight facts about leadership. We know you’re talented and capable. It’s what likely has helped you earn your Leadership position. So, my guess (if you’re like me) is that you are used to having the answers and providing those to help your team thrive. Well, let’s unpack that concept and go deeper on an interesting phenomenon. Have you ever noticed that great performers seem to get promoted to positions of management? Is that the right move? Let’s discuss!

In this Leadership Series of LiveTime with Alec…

  • You don’t have to have all the answers…
  • As a leader what you wanted as a great performer might not be what your team wants when you become their leader.
  • Lead but don’t become a servant to your teams needs.
  • There is some humility that is learn when you become a leader.

Modern Lending Podcast | Sam Hansen – Consulting and Quoting in the Digital Age

We are finishing our segment on Modern Consultation and Quoting. We talked to Barry Habib and Dave Savage. It’s now to take it down to the streets with Sam Hansen from the Gaylord Hansen Team. We’re going to have a conversation to see what works for him in this ever-changing market. Come hang out with us on the next Modern Lending Podcast.

In this snippet of the Modern Lending Podcast…

  • Find the confidence to come to your customer to tell them that working with you might not be the right fit for them
  • Surround yourself with those who want to succeed and give them the tools to do so.
  • Role-playing is an old technique but still one of your most useful tools.
  • The lowest rate on the wrong strategy will be more costly then a competitive rate on the right strategy.

Modern Lending Podcast | Barry Habib Master Class: Consultation and Quoting

Tight inventory market? Raising rates? Lions and Tigers and Bears? Come join me and the Market Master himself, Barry Habib as we present a Modern Master Class on how best to consult and quote our customers in this ever changing market

In this snippet of the Modern Lending Podcast…

  • Barry gives a master class on what you should do during this period of our ever-changing market
  • Morning routine is important, catch up on market news but don’t hold tight to your news clippings
  • Rubik’s cube mentality; once you change one side of the cube; everything is effected.
  • You’re words are your weapon and your knowledge is what differentiate you from the pack.

Visibility > Likeability > Credibility > Opportunity – Loan Officer Edition

I did a a video in one of my 100 videos in 100 days about Likeability + Credibility = Opportunity. It’s time to add a crucial point to that equation: Visibility. As a loan officer in a digital world the most important thing to be is visible to your digital customer before they can work with you. Let’s break this down and get tactical on the next LiveTime with Alec: Loan Officer Edition.

In this Loan Officer Edition of LiveTime with Alec…

  • Visibility allows you to create at scale
  • You need to be seen to have these opportunity
  • With social, youtube, video you are visible every single day.
  • If your customer or partners see you in their feed, you can get the one’s you want to work with